Anti-Aging & Hyperbaric Therapy
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- Jul 3,2024
Anti-Aging & Hyperbaric Therapy

There is far more to the anti-aging movement than just fighting wrinkles and
age spots (although it's definitely a plus!).
As the average lifespan increases (currently 73 globally, and 78 in the U.S.),
we want to stay as mentally sharp and as physically fit as possible.
Genetics and lifestyle play pivotal roles in how a person ages, and while there is no way to stop the aging process, there are many things a person can do to slow down both mental and physical deterioration.
Many people have found hyperbaric therapy to be an asset in their journey.
New Frontiers: Anti-Aging Properties of Hy-perbaric Oxygen Therapy
As the world is becoming more industrialized it is also "going gray." Globally, the life span has reached a level of 63 years. Obviously,the geriatric population is growing, as are many detrimental effects of aging: strokes,heart attacks,dementia, arthritis,etc.Quality of life as we age has become an increasing focus.
The medical and scientific world has started taking a deep look into different therapeutic modalities to extend one's life and improve its quality:diets,nutritional supplementations,growth hormone therapy,cellular therapy,and chelation therapy, amongst many others.
These cases have clearly shown that with the use of Hyperbaric Therapy the lifestyle of these people has been improved and they have obtained a much better quality of life. Moreo-ver their SPECT scans before and after HBOT showed the correction of the basic pathology.Additionally, in many other patients that have been treated for other issues, the symptoms of aging were evident and subsequently cleared by HBOT.

The development of hyperbaric oxygen therapy for skin rejuvenation and treat-ment of photoaging
Overview of possible mechanism used by HBOT to attenuate wrinkle formation from exposure to UVB radiation:

UVB irradiation is shown to upregulate pathways that cause wrinkles such as the HIF-1a, neutrophils, and angiogenesis pathways.Hyperoxic condition is shown to inhibit those pathways activated by UVB, which results in decreased wrinkle formation.